Wednesday 13 February 2019

The three little pigs sort of!

The three little pigs sort off!

In the town of clocks  there was a big bad wolf he was the colour grey and he had black eyes and he wanted to kill the three little pigs. The little pigs names were George James and Edmund. James got a big black pot full of hot water. James gave it to George, George hooked it onto a hook in front of the fire.

The big bad wolf went down the chimney and he got hot boiled.
The police came and broke into the little pigs house, and the little pigs got arrested for nearly killing the big bad wolf. The little pigs went to the mare and James said ‘please don't hurt me my brothers made me boil the wolf, they said that if I didn't do It I would be dead’.

The mare said ‘well well well, Edmund and Gorge that is is just cruel, how could you, you are going to be in so much trouble’.
‘ Please let me explain Mrs mare’ said George. ‘ I didn't tell James to do it I didn't I would never do that’. The mare said ‘ very well whether any of you told each other to do it I am still going to arrest all of yous I have made up my mind’.

The little pigs were very sad. They did not want to be arrested but they knew that they had no choice. When the pigs grandmother found out she said ‘ I knew they were always full of trouble but I had no Idea that they could do this how sad’.

They went to prison and they had 20 years of living and then they had to go and get killed. They wolf did not blow down the house because he had asmar. The pigs learned their lesson and they got killed and the wolf got arrested and he had to stay in the dungeon for 10 years and then he could be free again.

Finally the big bad wolf got released out of the dungeon and he never decided to kill anyone again. The wolf had learned his lesson to. And he enjoyed life how it is and he was now always kind to people. And everyone in clock town was very happy. Now finally everyone in clock town forgot about the little pigs getting killed and so did the wolf. And everyone had a happy life.  

The end
By Charlotte M

1 comment:

  1. HI Charlotte,my name is Zahara i am a year seven at saint pius x catholic school. I like how you described your charters in the story and what happen.


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.