1 If you are walking around with a computer in your hands you must have you arms straight then have you fingers up so it's holding the end of your computer, then you can walk with you computer.
2 You must never put your computer or a piece of technology on the ground.
3 You must never tell anyone your password for your computer.
4 You must do the right thing at the right time on your computer.
5 You need to look after your computer and make sure you are doing sensible things on it at school, and after school you can do whatever you want on your computer.
Please comment on my work. :)
Welcome to my blog, I am a student at Blaketown School in Greymouth, NZ.
Sunday, 8 December 2019
SLJ My Argument About Fuel Prices Being Higher-Charlotte
Okay, so you want to go on a trip far away. But then you realise that you want to take a car. So you pack everything that you will need for your trip. But you can't go anywhere with a car unless you need fuel right? So you go to the petrol station for more fuel for your car. But have you actually read the prices for fuel? It is just so expensive! Why should you cancel or postpone your fun trips just because fuel prices are getting higher? And you don't have enough money to get fuel to go away! Guess what this is true but my Mum wanted to go away on holiday. She wanted to go on holiday so much and she just not long found the perfect place for her holiday. I wasn't going with her, I was going to be babysat,so I don't know where my Mum was going. She just said she would be going away on holiday. But guess how much money she had to pay just for going away on holiday that was close to where I live. Twenty dollars! Do you know how much things you could get with that. You could get like three loafs of bread, and four or three two letere bottles of milk.
I think that fuel prices should be less expensive.
Because you could get so many things with that amount of money that you are paying for fuel. Like milk and bread and snacks for the meantime. Well that is what I think.
What about you?
Please keep on commenting for more blog posts like this. :)
I think that fuel prices should be less expensive.
Because you could get so many things with that amount of money that you are paying for fuel. Like milk and bread and snacks for the meantime. Well that is what I think.
What about you?
Please keep on commenting for more blog posts like this. :)
SLJ If I got Hired To Be Principal For One Week...-Charlotte
If I got hired to be principal I would to so many great changes. This is a list below on what I would do if I got hired to be principal for one week.
-I would choose some kids to pick up rubbish around the school and I would reward them by giving them free time.
-I would stop the kids at school that is being a bully by giving them dentition for a week.
-I would hire some people to make the playground even stronger if there was a playground at school.
-I would let the good well behaved kids at school have more free time for doing what they are told.
-I would make sure the staff members like the school secretary and the teachers and the teacher aids would do their jobs properly.
Those are some things that I would do to be a good principal for a week. What would you do if you got to be hired to be a principal? Please share your thoughts and ideas with me and your comments for more blog posts and more tips from me. :)
-I would choose some kids to pick up rubbish around the school and I would reward them by giving them free time.
-I would stop the kids at school that is being a bully by giving them dentition for a week.
-I would hire some people to make the playground even stronger if there was a playground at school.
-I would let the good well behaved kids at school have more free time for doing what they are told.
-I would make sure the staff members like the school secretary and the teachers and the teacher aids would do their jobs properly.
Those are some things that I would do to be a good principal for a week. What would you do if you got to be hired to be a principal? Please share your thoughts and ideas with me and your comments for more blog posts and more tips from me. :)
SLJ Someone That Has A Positive Impact Of My Life-Charlotte
The one person that I can think of that has a positive impact on my life that would be my Mum. She thinks about positive things about me. And I think about positive things about her. These are the most important and positive things about my Mum.
-She gives me support in competitions and challenging things.
- Mum rewards me with things that are helpful and that will last for a long time when I am well-behaved.
- Whenever I go away on a trip without my Mum she loves me, she gives me kisses and hugs and she really does care about me.
- Mum helps us look for things that we loose or need.
- Mum buys us stationary for school.
- Mum gets our lunches and school uniform ready.
Those are nice things about Mum. Not only that, but those are true things that Mum does. Please comment for more blog posts. :)
-She gives me support in competitions and challenging things.
- Mum rewards me with things that are helpful and that will last for a long time when I am well-behaved.
- Whenever I go away on a trip without my Mum she loves me, she gives me kisses and hugs and she really does care about me.
- Mum helps us look for things that we loose or need.
- Mum buys us stationary for school.
- Mum gets our lunches and school uniform ready.
Those are nice things about Mum. Not only that, but those are true things that Mum does. Please comment for more blog posts. :)
Friday, 6 December 2019
SLJ Proud Of Three People-Charlotte
I am proud of three people in my family. Two of them are friends one of them is someone important that is in my family. The first person I'm proud of is: Caitlyn.
She is one of my best friends. She is fourteen years old and what I am proud of her is. She is always positive about everything even if it is something bad she always wants to be on the good side and never be bad or sad. There are a few things that Caitlyn has accomplished that I know of. She has had A+'s in her tests. Another thing that I know of is she is always completing her homework and her chores that she has been given. She doesn't complain she just gets on with it and completes it, and gets ready for the next challenge or task she is going to be given.
The next person I am proud of is: Kira. She is my second best friend. What I like about her is she has a very big imagination. And she is just like Caitlyn. She likes being positive when good things happen. But when it comes down to upsetting things she isn't so positive then, instead she just cares about the people that are in those hard situations. The things that she has accomplished is Technology. When it comes down to technology she is very active. She gets on her computer and she is just like type, type, type. She never stops typing even if her fingers are sore, she just keeps on going until she has completed the work that she has been given on her computer. Kira most of the time completes her work on her computer. Kira has done so many other good deeds but I can't really remember them. The last but not least person that I am proud of is my Mum.
My Mum helps out when she can. She always gives great ideas for friendship problems that I have sometimes. A few things that my Mum has achieved is she is a nice person and she is kind. When you talk to her about a problem she always gives good advice, and she won't interrupt she will always listen until your finished talking. My Mum is a great person to hang around with in fact she is my favourite person in the world. My Mum is the best, and that is what I can think of that my mum has achieved.
Written by Charlotte. Please comment for more good blog posts like this. :)
She is one of my best friends. She is fourteen years old and what I am proud of her is. She is always positive about everything even if it is something bad she always wants to be on the good side and never be bad or sad. There are a few things that Caitlyn has accomplished that I know of. She has had A+'s in her tests. Another thing that I know of is she is always completing her homework and her chores that she has been given. She doesn't complain she just gets on with it and completes it, and gets ready for the next challenge or task she is going to be given.
The next person I am proud of is: Kira. She is my second best friend. What I like about her is she has a very big imagination. And she is just like Caitlyn. She likes being positive when good things happen. But when it comes down to upsetting things she isn't so positive then, instead she just cares about the people that are in those hard situations. The things that she has accomplished is Technology. When it comes down to technology she is very active. She gets on her computer and she is just like type, type, type. She never stops typing even if her fingers are sore, she just keeps on going until she has completed the work that she has been given on her computer. Kira most of the time completes her work on her computer. Kira has done so many other good deeds but I can't really remember them. The last but not least person that I am proud of is my Mum.
My Mum helps out when she can. She always gives great ideas for friendship problems that I have sometimes. A few things that my Mum has achieved is she is a nice person and she is kind. When you talk to her about a problem she always gives good advice, and she won't interrupt she will always listen until your finished talking. My Mum is a great person to hang around with in fact she is my favourite person in the world. My Mum is the best, and that is what I can think of that my mum has achieved.
Written by Charlotte. Please comment for more good blog posts like this. :)
SLJ The Water Project-Charlotte
The Water Project is a special company that is all about water. The Water Project company everyday gives clean water to all the kids of the world. What the water project company is trying to achieve is trying to give the people in Africa some clean water so they don't die under that burning sun. The water project company uses some kind of machines that vibrates the water. The machines also makes the water clean. But they put chlorine in the clean water to stop the bugs and insects hop in our water. Who would want to drink water with dead bugs and insects in it? Ewww. I certainly wouldn't. If you really want clean water this is what my mum and dad do. They get cold water from the tap with chlorine in it. Next they boil it in the jug. Once the jug is cold then you can drink the water without bugs or insects or chlorine in it. It's just perfect without anything in it. It tastes perfect fresh and cold, now that is something I would want to drink everyday. Why don't you start changing the way the water is from the tap and make it nicer?
Written by Charlotte. Please keep on commenting for more awesome posts like this. :)
Written by Charlotte. Please keep on commenting for more awesome posts like this. :)
SLJ The Greatest of All Time-Charlotte
Gary Kasparov is a famous chest player. He has been playing chest since he was seven years old. He has been playing since 1985 to 2000. Gary Kasparov is the grand master chess player. He is the world's greatest chest player and he is very talented at chest. He is quite old. If there is something wrong with chest then you could used to go to him and tell him your problem with chest and he could explain it all to you. Iv'e heard that when he gives you advice his voice sounds magical. He is trustworthy and he understands.
Comment please on my work blog posts. :)
Comment please on my work blog posts. :)
Thursday, 5 December 2019
SLJ Equal pay for equal work?-Charlotte
The Black ferns the women's famous Rugby team is starting to get less money that the All Blacks. That is not fair! The Black Ferns are such good players they should get the same amount as the All Blacks.
I think that because the Black Ferns are really good players and they try really hard and they are good trustworthy people. The All Blacks are very good talented rugby players. But so is the Black Ferns rugby girls team.
What do you think about this?
I think that the money should be equal. I think that it's obvious that the All Blacks and the Black Ferns should get the same amount of money because they are amazing talented players.
Keep commenting for more posts like this. :)
I think that because the Black Ferns are really good players and they try really hard and they are good trustworthy people. The All Blacks are very good talented rugby players. But so is the Black Ferns rugby girls team.
What do you think about this?
I think that the money should be equal. I think that it's obvious that the All Blacks and the Black Ferns should get the same amount of money because they are amazing talented players.
Keep commenting for more posts like this. :)
SLJ Day 2 Create similes-Charlotte
For teaser week day 2 you have to create six similes. These are the similes I have done.
The spotty cheetah was as fast as the wind.
The man was as tall as a giant.
The mouse was as small as the bread crumbs.
The waterfall was as beautiful as the Autumn leaves shining in the sun.
The carpet was as soft as feathers.
The cat was as fluffy as the clouds.
Please comment and if you wanted to you could create your own similes. :)
SLJ Activity 3 Teaser Week Names that describe Roald Dahl-Charlotte
For activity 3 on Teaser week that is on the Summer Learning Journey, the task was you had to write five or more interesting words that describe Roald Dahl. It's quite fun these are my words:
Please comment on my work. I hope you like it. :)
Please comment on my work. I hope you like it. :)
Wednesday, 4 December 2019
SLG Activity 2 My Pepeha-Charlotte
For the second Summer Learning Journey Teaser week second activity, is says that you have to create your own pepeha. A pepeha is a site you go onto. You write your first name and your second name. Then you write your parents name and then you siblings name. This is my pepeha. It's so much fun! Your supposed to write you first name before you do your last name but it got a bit mixed up.
SLG Teaser Week Activity 1 Research about Lorde- Charlotte

Friday, 22 November 2019
Amazing Race.
This year Blaketown school went to Grey High School to do a cool race that is called the Amazing Race.
There were different groups and everyone got separated. The first thing my group had to do was kick the soccer bowl on the fence. The fence was covered with photos of weird things. Two groups went to that activity. There was my group and another group. My group got lots of kicks and my group came first place for that activity.
The second activity was a bit difficult. We had to balance a balance a bowl of fruit on our heads. Then we had to stand on the balancing beam, then go around the cones and sit down and wait for our team leaders to add up the points. My group came second place because one of our group members kept dropping the fruit bowl on the ground.
The third activity was a bit confusing. Once again my group moved to the other side of the field to get to the next activity. There were pictures of Haka moves on the ground, my group had to put them in order. We had to do it three times before we finished. The other group was trying to work just as hard as my group. But we finished first, so we came first place again. We walked to the last activity on the field.
This one was my favourite it was a lolly activity. We had to pick up a lolly with chop sticks. Then we had to jump on the bench, around the bins, then jump on the beam, then throw a ball into the bucket then run to the table and put the lolly in the wood bowl. I managed to get two or three lollies in the bowl. We came first for the last time and our team leaders added up the points. Then a whistle blew and we ran to the field in a circle. Sadly my group didn't come first, or second, or third. It was so sad but we had a fun time. In the end we got to eat a few lollies and have a group photo. Then we started walking back to school and thought about the great time we had. That was one of the best days I ever had in my life! Written by Charlotte. Please comment!
There were different groups and everyone got separated. The first thing my group had to do was kick the soccer bowl on the fence. The fence was covered with photos of weird things. Two groups went to that activity. There was my group and another group. My group got lots of kicks and my group came first place for that activity.
The second activity was a bit difficult. We had to balance a balance a bowl of fruit on our heads. Then we had to stand on the balancing beam, then go around the cones and sit down and wait for our team leaders to add up the points. My group came second place because one of our group members kept dropping the fruit bowl on the ground.
The third activity was a bit confusing. Once again my group moved to the other side of the field to get to the next activity. There were pictures of Haka moves on the ground, my group had to put them in order. We had to do it three times before we finished. The other group was trying to work just as hard as my group. But we finished first, so we came first place again. We walked to the last activity on the field.
This one was my favourite it was a lolly activity. We had to pick up a lolly with chop sticks. Then we had to jump on the bench, around the bins, then jump on the beam, then throw a ball into the bucket then run to the table and put the lolly in the wood bowl. I managed to get two or three lollies in the bowl. We came first for the last time and our team leaders added up the points. Then a whistle blew and we ran to the field in a circle. Sadly my group didn't come first, or second, or third. It was so sad but we had a fun time. In the end we got to eat a few lollies and have a group photo. Then we started walking back to school and thought about the great time we had. That was one of the best days I ever had in my life! Written by Charlotte. Please comment!
Wednesday, 11 September 2019
My Duffy Books 2019
Hi I'm Charlotte, and I'm going to tell you about my Duffy books. Every year Blaketown School gets Duffy books because we are smart kids, and the people that create Duffy books knew that Blaketown School and other school's knew that we deserve Duffy books.
Duffy books are these books that we order in these magazines, that we really like and want. Then we have to wait about a lot of weeks for our Duffy books to arrive. Once you get your Duffy books you get too keep them, and read them whenever you want. In the magazines we order four books and when our books arrive we get two books, and next time we get the other two books that we ordered last time.
Not all schools get Duffy books for different kinds of reasons, but our school get's them and we are very lucky kids at Blaketown school to get them. I hope your school gets them if not, it's okay because you can just read the books you get at home.
Every year some schools get this many books: 100,000. Can you believe that?! That is just so amazing! Imagine getting that many books a year!
Remember I always keep my blog up to date, I hope you enjoyed this post! :)
Thursday, 15 August 2019
My Space Art
This term Room 2 at Blaketown school has been learning about Space. Each student had to create their own special piece of space work. I thought about what I wanted to create then I started using pastels and crayons and I put it together. Soon it made a beautiful piece of artwork. It took me a couple of days, but all the work paid off. I hope you like my space art creation I did. Please comment. If you ever want to make lovely pieces of art like this, grab a piece of paper, and think about what you want to create then do it, there's nothing to it!
Written by Charlotte. :)
Wednesday, 7 August 2019
Lunar Module
Hi i'm Charlotte. This term we have done a little bit of art. We each had to make a Lunar Module.
So we had to draw on a piece of paper, how we wanted to make our Lunar Module.
Next we started creating or Modules. It took a couple of weeks for some people.
We got everything we needed for our Modules.
Just a snip here, & a snap there.
Now we are done!
It just takes some time with art! :) :) :)
Hi i'm Charlotte. This term we have done a little bit of art. We each had to make a Lunar Module.
So we had to draw on a piece of paper, how we wanted to make our Lunar Module.
Next we started creating or Modules. It took a couple of weeks for some people.
We got everything we needed for our Modules.
Just a snip here, & a snap there.
Now we are done!
It just takes some time with art! :) :) :)
Jake Bailey
Hi I'm Charlotte. This special man called JAKE BAILEY came to Blaketown school. He sadly had cancer so he only had to weeks to live. I made a poster about Jake Bailey I put the link on this page, so all of you bloggers could look at all the facts I did about him. I hope you enjoy your day & I hope you enjoy reading all the facts I did about Jake Bailey. :)
Hi I'm Charlotte. This special man called JAKE BAILEY came to Blaketown school. He sadly had cancer so he only had to weeks to live. I made a poster about Jake Bailey I put the link on this page, so all of you bloggers could look at all the facts I did about him. I hope you enjoy your day & I hope you enjoy reading all the facts I did about Jake Bailey. :)
Monday, 29 July 2019
Orana Park
In Term 2 we went to Orana Park I hope you enjoy your day! I hope you enjoy watching my slideshow! :)
In Term 2 we went to Orana Park I hope you enjoy your day! I hope you enjoy watching my slideshow! :)
Space Paragraph
Hi I'm exited for Term 3! So far in Term 3 we are learning about space, each of us students had to a paragraph about space I hope you enjoy looking at my space paragraph! Enjoy your day! :)
Wednesday, 3 July 2019
Language Work task 5 Four Types of Sentences
Hi this is Language work this is Four Types of Sentences enjoy watching my poster enjoy the rest of your day from Charlotte. :)
Language Task 4 Expanding Sentences
Hi this is Expanding Sentence this is Language work enjoy watching my poster.
Language task 3 Complex Sentences
Hi this is Language task 3 this is Complex Sentences. Enjoy watching this poster. :)
Language work task 2 Compound Sentences
Hi this link will take you to Language work task 2 enjoy looking at it this is Compound Sentences.
Language work task 1
Hi this link will take you to Simple Sentences task 1 enjoy!
Pencil Work Task 6 (Communication Work)
This is pencil Work Task 6 this is Communication work enjoy looking at this poster & enjoy the rest of your day from Charlotte. :)
This is pencil Work Task 6 this is Communication work enjoy looking at this poster & enjoy the rest of your day from Charlotte. :)
Pencil Work Task 5 (Communication Work)
This is Pencil Work Task 5 this is Communication work this poster on the link is about how to make your pencil this is called a diagram.
This is Pencil Work Task 5 this is Communication work this poster on the link is about how to make your pencil this is called a diagram.
Pencil Work task 4 (communication work)
This is Pencil Work task 4 this is also (communication work)
This is Pencil Work task 4 this is also (communication work)
Pencils work task 3 (Communication Work)
This is Pencils work task 3 this is also (communication work)
Pencils Work Task 2 (Communication Work)
This is Communication work this is task 2 for pencil work.
This is Communication work this is task 2 for pencil work.
Term 2 Pencil Work 1 ( Communication Work )
This link goes to my report on pencils & pens this is task 1 for my Communication work.
Thursday, 11 April 2019
Friday, 15 February 2019
Wednesday, 13 February 2019
The three little pigs sort of!
The three little pigs sort off!
In the town of clocks there was a big bad wolf he was the colour grey and he had black eyes and he wanted to kill the three little pigs. The little pigs names were George James and Edmund. James got a big black pot full of hot water. James gave it to George, George hooked it onto a hook in front of the fire.
The big bad wolf went down the chimney and he got hot boiled.
The police came and broke into the little pigs house, and the little pigs got arrested for nearly killing the big bad wolf. The little pigs went to the mare and James said ‘please don't hurt me my brothers made me boil the wolf, they said that if I didn't do It I would be dead’.
The mare said ‘well well well, Edmund and Gorge that is is just cruel, how could you, you are going to be in so much trouble’.
‘ Please let me explain Mrs mare’ said George. ‘ I didn't tell James to do it I didn't I would never do that’. The mare said ‘ very well whether any of you told each other to do it I am still going to arrest all of yous I have made up my mind’.
The little pigs were very sad. They did not want to be arrested but they knew that they had no choice. When the pigs grandmother found out she said ‘ I knew they were always full of trouble but I had no Idea that they could do this how sad’.
They went to prison and they had 20 years of living and then they had to go and get killed. They wolf did not blow down the house because he had asmar. The pigs learned their lesson and they got killed and the wolf got arrested and he had to stay in the dungeon for 10 years and then he could be free again.
Finally the big bad wolf got released out of the dungeon and he never decided to kill anyone again. The wolf had learned his lesson to. And he enjoyed life how it is and he was now always kind to people. And everyone in clock town was very happy. Now finally everyone in clock town forgot about the little pigs getting killed and so did the wolf. And everyone had a happy life.
The end
By Charlotte M
Thursday, 7 February 2019
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